Accuracy can be further improved by integrating other locally-relevant information into the model and running it again. Note: current model accuracy is approximately 70% when compared to existing ground-truthed data. You can find the model code and documentation here: The model documentation and code are also available, so data scientists and planners globally can replicate the model to expand model coverage to other countries where this data is not already available. The grid maps are produced using a new methodology that employs various publicly-available datasets (night time satellite imagery, roads, political boundaries, etc) to predict the location of existing MV grid infrastructure. We recognise and respect that New Westminster is on the unceded and unsurrendered land of the Halkomelem speaking peoples. The data found here are model outputs for six select African countries: Malawi, Nigeria, Uganda, DRC, Cote D’Ivoire, and Zambia. Advance your grid modernization, safety, asset management and customer experience efforts with ArcGIS. DISCLAIMER: Please note that all outage data provided via this power outage map is for information purposes only. the distribution lines which connect high-voltage transmission infrastructure to consumer-serving low-voltage distribution. the distribution lines which connect high-voltage transmission infrastructure to consumer-serving low-voltage distribution. Work better and smarter with a complete GIS for electric utilities & utility mapping. This map displays information on location, fuel type, electric generation, generating capacity, ownership, and emissions for over 9,900 power plants across the. Electrical Distribution Grid Maps Facebook has produced a model to help map global medium voltage (MV) grid infrastructure, i.e. Facebook has produced a model to help map global medium voltage (MV) grid infrastructure, i.e.